Wednesday, 25 January 2012


Welcome to our new look blog the place to be for all the latest updates on everything related to the band. Should hopefully be a lot prettier and a lot more user friendly than it's previous incarnation

As well as launching this we're involved in a whole host of new online endeavors the links of which should be just to the right of this post. ----->>

So for all things musical head to Bandcamp, for a long list of stuff we like that we've found on the net go to Tumblr and to just hear us wittering on about queues in bars and the general state of the world head to Twitter.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Pre Order Available Now!

So the good people of Odd Box are of course putting our new album "Twin Beds" out in February and the best place to buy it is straight from the source itself...and guess what you can do that now!

Head over to Odd Box now by clicking HERE and you can pre-order it now